mojo updates
This page lists the important updates to mojo.
If you spot any issue with mojo please email with as much info as possible and we will investigate.

We are committed to having the biggest possible impact on our clients, their employees and their wider communities so we have set an ambitious target to help improve the lives of 5 million employees by 2030.
Licence update
Licenses blocks are now added to a company, with members assigned to each block. This change enhances flexibility and clarity, which aligns with purchasing transactions. It also benefits larger clients with varying renewal dates for departments or teams within the organisation.
Partner notifications
Partners can now be notified whenever a map is taken for a company they manage, allowing them to provide support to their clients using Mojo.
Performance improvements
Performance improvements have been made now mojo is running on Azure
Knowledge base updates
New "Motivation strategies" section with direct links to Individual, Team & Organisation
Member details
- Updates to member details screen in Admin section
- Working towards moving mojo to Azure
Team updates
- Updates to Team history
- Changes to Team overview
- Fix issue with partners who only have access to some sub companies

Shared motivators graph
- New shared motivators graph
- Updated in page navigation
- Removed internal build numbers from timeline
- Security updates
- Fix minor backend issue when actions were saved without a predicted score
- Fix issue with partners being logged out in under certain conditions
- Update to layout of shared motivators graph making it smaller and easier to read

Team updates
Updates to team motivators to allow multiple options to be selected
Member management updates
Updates to member management showing more useful information including last map date, last mojo score, total number of maps & date added to mojo
Updates mojo logo
- Updated mojo logo
- Show "gravatar" icon for member email if one has been set
Member email
New email sent to member when map is taken

Question options added
Markers added to show the possible options for the questions.
Updated timeline & roadmap added
This New version of the timeline (this page) has been added showing key features on changes & planned work.
Admin area updates
Updates to admin manage members as requested to show better overview of members, maps taken and when added.
Motivation strategies improved
Partner Updates
- Fixed issue with the Overdue maps section when looking at other companies.
- Fixing various partner bugs.
Admin Updates
- Behind the scenes updates to the way custom "Motivation strategies" are stored for a company.
- Locked accounts (entering the password incorrectly five times in a row)
- Viewing a locked member now shows a message to the Administrator that the member is locked out with details on how to unlock it.
- If a member it locked out and a password reset link is used the account is now unlocked as well as the password updated.
All mojo members - Teams
- Company overview
- Now shows the total number of maps taken by the company.
- Company mojo Company mojo score history.
- Company mojo rank history.
- Company motivation satisfaction history.
- Each team
- Team mojo score history.
- Team mojo rank history.
- Team motivation satisfaction history.
Company logos
Partner Updates
- New company dashboard to see all of the companies you manage.
- Create a new company.
- Edit the Name of an existing company.
- See/edit frequency (quarterly/one-off) of maps.
- See/edit months (quarterly only).
- See/edit if new members can see their map results instantly.
- See/edit if members get sent reminders that they can take a new map at the start of each quarter.
- See/edit if managers get sent reminders to chase members who haven't taken a map yet.
- Fixing various partner bugs.
Admin Updates
- Fixed issue with archived members showing in the Overdue maps section.
All mojo members
- mojo has been moved to a new server.
- A logo can now be displayed instead of your company name if required.
mojo score
Partner Updates
- Admin area will now remember your selected company as you navigate around the Admin section - A lot of people have been asking for this!
- Ability to grant other members Partner status of all or some of your sub companies.
- Fixing various partner bugs.
Admin Updates
- Manage members add the ability to see the Teams a member is IN and who are the direct reports.
- New Overdue maps section (Admin > Overdue maps) Easily see who needs to take a map and how overdue they are.
- Save button now fixed to companies with lots of members don't need to scroll to save changes.
- Email updates when new maps are due (Can be stopped at company level).
- Email reminders to Managers when maps are overdue for the members you manage (Can be stopped at company level).
All mojo members
- Next map date now shown in dashboard.
- 'Motivation Score' has become 'mojo score'
- Why have we made this change? There are 4 key reasons why we have made this change:
- The motivation score was inherited from Motivational Maps and as we broaden the capabilities of mojo, a mojo score seemed more appropriate.
- The motivation score is not strictly your level of motivation but more a reflection of how well your motivations are being satisfied, so calling it your mojo score seemed more accurate.
- We want to promote transparency with mojo and we encourage the sharing of mojo data amongst teams. Some users were reluctant to share their results if their ‘motivation score’ was low.
- We asked for feedback from several user organisations and Partners before making the change and had a 100% positive response to adopting the mojo score.
- Actions changed to three per motivator with the ability to add up to five if required.
Email send added
- Email sending system to be able to provide updates to mojo users as required.
- Update to email sent from mojo to managers and Administrators to include company name.
- Various bug fixes.
New domain
- The new home for mojo, with information for people interested in mojo.
- Fix issue when a member was archived it was marking the selected members as archived but unfortunately it was also removing the archived status of any members who were previously archived.
- Prevent an admin from archive themselves.
Dates in historic tables
- Updated date in Historic tables.
- New "Show/hide all" button on historic charts.
- Motivator icons link to Knowledge base section.
- Help icons improved visibility.
- Various bug fixes.
Add (this) updates section
- Added (this) mojo updates section.
- Rank History now added in My view.
- Motivation Satisfaction History in My view.
- Bug fixes including viewing team as an Administrator & for custom reward per company.
- Fix login issue if using original signup set password link.
Direct reports added
- Administrators can set direct reports of members - This creates a default "My Direct Reports" team.
- Emails sent when a direct report completes a map.
- Emails sent to managers of teams when map is completed.
- Links changed from Pink to white underline.
- Team satisfaction toggle to highlight Action, Risk, Boost & Optimal.
- CSV update - removes spaces and ; from email column.
- Added Print styles for dashboard.
- Administrators can now make another member an administrator.
- Full date of previous map shown in the Motivation Score History graph.
First mojo map taken
The first mojo map is taken
Building mojo starts
The idea of mojo is born, work begins on making it a reality.